Tuesday, July 9, 2024

ALASKA ADVENTURE 2024: Glacier Bay National Park - July 4

Thursday was a very special day aboard the Royal Princess, and not just because it was Independence Day. On July 4th, we were blessed to celebrate our country's birthday by exploring one of its most beautiful and unique areas: Glacier Bay National Park!

Glacier Bay is indeed an official National Park, and one of the cool experiences of the day was having three rangers and some support personnel come aboard our cruise ship for a day of talks and programs. They even brought the Glacier Bay stamp along with them. Here is Debbie stamping our National Park passport:

The day began early with an explanation by Ranger Mariah, outlining what glaciers we would see and approximately when. This was a day we were very thankful to have a balcony.

Here we are, entering Glacier Bay National Park and approaching the first glacier.

Lamplugh Glacier is very blue!

A close up of Lamplugh Glacier.

This picture shows some interesting geological markings and the blue water from glacial flour.

Debbie taking some pictures from our balcony.

Margerie Glacier is very active. Unfortunately we didn't get to witness any calving.

A close up of Margerie Glacier.

Time to head back out of Glacier Bay National Park for our next adventure!

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