Thursday, July 11, 2013


Our next stop really left us feeling cornered when we stopped at the precise intersection of four states.  What's a trip to the Four Corners area without a stop at the actual Four Corners?

Yes, it is a tourist trap, and, yes, there is nothing to do here except take a picture of a person standing in four states at once (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado), but we decided that since we were already right here, we would stop and do it, too.

Four of us in four different states.

He's actually in five states at once - if you count his state of confusion.

And we weren't the only ones - we had to wait in line for several minutes before it was our turn to get pictures.  The girls then visited the Native American merchants who were lined up all around the area.  Debbie and Katie bought some jewelry, and Bethany bought a dreamcatcher.  Daniel and I sat in the air conditioned van and watched the temperature hit 100 degrees.  Man, it's hot!

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